Saturday, January 2, 2010

Medical Pet Food Can Food Allergies Effect Your Heart ?

Can food allergies effect your heart ? - medical pet food

I started a new job where they make dry food. I'm allergic to fish when I eat. I worked around food in palnt does not seem to make me trouble when I got home, I noticed a lot of palpitations and loss of pulse, could be an allergy or just stress or fatigue? I need a good medical advice on this point.


Anonymous said...

Allergic reactions to several problems. Some seemingly minor and immediately a remark that life is in danger.

, Tachycardia, irregular heartbeat, loss of heartbeat, and so on. everything can be caused by allergic reactions. Unregulated can lead to heart damage or other problems.

Its possible that something else caused the problems, but proceed in any case consult your physician for review.

To respect for a complete list of complications and allergic go to ...

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